4. Large house
Have you considered downsizing your house? A lot of my friends did and they ended up changing their homes. I am not ready for that but I would like to present to you here which are the advantages I learned from them.
Once their kids moved out and my childhood best friend remained just with her husband, they decided to move, since the house felt too big and the maintenance costs were overwhelming. This not only reduced their mortgage but also made their lives simpler and more manageable.
I love my home and I can’t imagine myself living in a different place for the moment and that is completely fine. We are all different people with different needs. I don’t completely refuse to think about these alternatives, but for now, I am really fine with the other changes I made. So, if you’re like me, don’t feel guilty about it. There are other expenses that we can cut. In the end, our well-being and our happiness are the most important.
5. Gym membership
I used to have a gym membership that I rarely used. After retiring, I realized how much I like taking long walks with my friends and I didn’t feel the need for extra exercise. I am happier this way. I also found a lot of new hobbies. I recently discovered how much I love painting and I prefer spending more on all the tools I need for my new passion, instead of wasting a lot of money on something that doesn’t satisfy me anymore.
In the end, there are plenty of free online workout videos that you can do from the comfort of your home. So, such a purchase can be easily canceled in my opinion.