These are life hacks every millennial needs!
Even though baby boomers were raised differently and at different times, many of their incredible life lessons are still fantastic today. Our parents and grandparents pioneered many incredible life hacks that millennials and Gen Z would love to embrace, from frugal tips to simple methods on how to be more environmentally responsible.
Since they live through several technological shifts and economic swings, it’s understandable that we would love to receive their wise advice. While some people consider their tendencies a bit crunchy or even boring, I suggest you don’t judge until you try. So, if you want to improve your life, have more fun, reduce hassle, and even save money, these life hacks are for you! Are you ready to read the best tips ever? Then let’s begin:

1. Repair instead of replacing
Whether you want to save money or be friendlier with the environment, you need to find ways to repair your belongings before you toss them and rebuy them. Repairing clothes, shoes, furniture items, gluing ceramics, or decor objects is always a smart idea.
You can find several tutorials on YouTube, and if your products are still in good form, taking them to a pro will be much cheaper than getting a whole new item.
2. Meal prepping
If you want to save time in the kitchen and ensure you always have healthy food in your home, you need to follow this life hack and start meal-prepping now. It doesn’t need to take long, and doing so once a week will help you spend more time doing what you love. Cook a large batch of pasta, rice, chicken breast, or roasted veggies and combine them in different meals. This tip is a lifesaver!
For instance, if I cook two chicken breasts for the week, I will eat a portion with rice and veggies, another in salads, a few pieces in a delicious sandwich for work, pasta, and so many other combinations. Just cook one or two staples you can easily mix and match, store them in glass containers (such as these ones), put them in the fridge, and reheat them throughout the week. You’ll prevent food waste, reach your fitness and health goals, and save money and time.
3. Reusing shopping bags or bringing their own
Another life hack baby boomers love is reusing shopping bags or bringing their own each time they go grocery shopping. This allows them to save money (even if it’s only a couple of cents) and be friendlier with the environment since they don’t use that much plastic.
As a baby boomer myself, I vividly recall the days when many of us used to carry reusable tote bags to supermarkets, long before this practice became popular. If you don’t do this already, this is your sign to start today!

4. Having a stocked pantry
This isn’t only a life hack useful for baby boomers, but for everyone who doesn’t want to waste food and spend a ton of money ordering unhealthy meals. One tip I always keep in mind before I go grocery shopping is to shop my pantry for the best items and meal ideas. I usually have pasta, rice, cans of corn, beans, chickpeas, flour, and other ingredients I can easily combine to create a delicious recipe.
If you don’t want to be left with nothing to eat in your home, I couldn’t recommend this life hack enough. The next time you go food shopping, add a couple of extra cans of your favorite things. They have a long shelf life and are amazing for when there’s nothing fresh in your fridge.
5. Serve a green veggie on the dinner table
If you want to be healthy, have glowy skin, strong hair, and a lot of energy to tackle all your tasks, you need to follow this boomer life hack: eat at least one green veggie at dinner. This is a rule people used to have in their households, especially if children were involved. In my opinion, it’s one of the best things you could do for your health because green veggies are rich in iron, vitamins, and minerals, so it’s exactly what you need to reach your fitness and lifestyle goals.
Whether it’s spinach, green peppers, zucchini, courgettes, peas, kale, romaine lettuce, arugula, bok choy, watercress, Swiss chard, you name it, it’s going to make a huge difference in how you feel. Boomers know what they know; that’s why they’re so strong and healthy!
6. Growing food from scraps
Did you know that you can prevent food waste by regrowing some delicious and vitamin-rich veggies from odds and ends? You can turn your balcony into a thriving garden by planting the root ends of veggies like romaine lettuce, onions, and celery in soil and following a few simple care tips. With a bit of help from online resources, books, or YouTube tutorials, you’ll quickly see that growing your own fresh produce is easier than you think.
For instance, you can start an endless supply of delicious scallions by rooting their stumps in water. I consider this the ultimate life hack everyone needs. Or at least those who want to eat healthily. This is a free source of produce that’s low-maintenance and relaxing, and it produces some fabulous results at the end.
…If you want to save money and reduce impulse purchases, this next life hack is for you!

7. Cash-only budgeting system
Boomers know that overspending is one of the most dangerous things they could do for their budgets, so they found a smart way to avoid this by creating a cash-only budgeting system. Many people follow the envelope trick or challenge, whatever you want to call it, whose rules are pretty simple: number each of the 100 envelopes from 1 to 100. You have to fill one envelope a day with the amount of cash corresponding to the number on the envelope.
You don’t have to fill up your envelopes in order; you can pick them randomly and fill them up as you go. If you’re determined and you fill up each envelope daily, you’ll have a total savings of $5,050 after 100 days. If you’re interested in this challenge, here are all the supplies you need!
Now that we’ve covered a great boomer life hack for saving money quickly, let’s take a moment to talk about budgeting – you won’t regret it! With just a few hours of planning, you can create a simple budget that helps you track your spending, prioritize your needs, and find more ways to save.
For example, boomers recommend setting monthly budgets for different expenses, such as gas, food, going out, entertainment, wants and needs, travel, and whatever else you might need. When the money is gone for the month, you know you have to wait until your next paycheck to get something you want. This traditional method forbids careless swipes and protects you from making unnecessary purchases.
8. Checking unit prices
If you notice a boomer reading the labels in the grocery store, pay attention to them, because they know what they’re doing! Since they’re all about life hacks that will improve their lives and help them save money, they will take their time to read the labels that list prices per unit.
A bigger product doesn’t mean it’s more budget-friendly. In some cases, two smaller packages work out better than one family size. Unit pricing makes it easy to quickly calculate which choice offers the best value for your money, so follow their lead.
Don’t forget to take your time when shopping, growing produce, and saving money, and always choose to follow the tips that make you feel good! If you’d like to discover other boomer life hacks all millennials should follow, leave a comment below and we’ll take care of it! If you have any thoughts, tips, recommendations, and questions for us, leave them below! Until next time, here’s another fantastic post for you: Looking to Retire Near the Mountains? You’ll Love These 7 Charming Places