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8 Things Only Boomers Will Miss When They Disappear

Can you guess the things only boomers will miss when they’re completely gone? 

What are your memories from a past life when the time seemed to go at a slower pace? When did socializing with friends shift from hanging out to going for a walk or watching a drive-in movie? Only older generations will grasp these questions.

A generation of baby boomers share a common nostalgia for simpler times, and that nostalgia is bittersweet when looking at the present “evolution” of things. And only baby boomers will genuinely mourn these few past staples when they’re gone. Curious about them? Continue reading the article.

Spoiler alert: some of them are long gone already!

boomers will miss
Photo by Senta Bemelman from Shutterstock

Rotary phones

There is something about rotary phones that only boomers are missing. And I am saying that because there are still some folks who still have one in the house, no matter if they’re still using it or not. My mom has one similar to the one from the picture, and it’s still functional! But why will we miss them?

Because now things are different, and I am not going to lie but the extremely advanced technology of today occasionally terrifies me. Back then long before smartphones, Facebook, and Facetime, there was a certain delight in the purposeful act of communicating. People were eager to talk because they did it less often than we do now.

There was a rhythm and passion to the enjoyable click-click of the rotary phone when you dialed your friend’s number. There was someone anxious to chat with you on the other end of the line, and that was the beauty of it. Plus, let’s not mention how expensive it used to be to call somebody from another city or state. Sheesh!

But I think those times made people open more in front of each other. And that was awesome…

Drive-in movies

Oh dear! Do you remember the time when everybody was excited to go to a drive-in movie experience? No matter if the movie was bad or good, the fact that you could go there with friends or family was awesome.

It was a summer night spent under the stars, full of suspense as you waited for the sky to get black enough for the movie to begin. The fact that the sound was a little off didn’t matter; you were there to appreciate it with everyone else there. I feel nostalgic just thinking about the happiness and enjoyment that were there. Don’t tell me you weren’t there, sneaking in the back row just to snuggle with your boyfriend or girlfriend away from the parent’s eyes. What a time to be alive!

Newer generations will never know the joy we felt when the movie started! Now you can watch everything on your smartphone, having the luxury of having the internet at your fingertips. And this is what makes it… I don’t know sad.

Outdoor childhood games

Another one of the things only boomers will miss is having fun outside without screens. Those fun childhood games when everyone was drawing stuff on the streets using white chalk, playing hide and seek or hopscotch! No, I am not crying; you are. But honestly, now, those times will never get back, and even if they did, they will probably not have the same impact on today’s kids.

I still remember the time when I was playing with 10 other kids from my neighborhood until the sun began to set and my mom was yelling to come home because dinner’s ready.

Listening to your favorite band on a vinyl record

Not only music was something else back in the day, but the very first moment when you pressed play on the record started filling both your ears and heart with pure joy. It was amazing to finally own a vinyl record of your favorite band, perhaps if you were lucky to even get it signed at a gig or something.

Only those who experienced this will treasure and miss those times. And before saying anything else, trust me that only boomers will miss this! The gentle crack while the record was spinning and the flip to side B was more like a ritual and demanded your undivided attention.

Compared to other things that are mostly gone, vinyls are back on track, and more and more bands have started releasing their albums in this format too. So if you have grandkids, ask them to assist you in this experience. While for them it might be something new, rediscovering the magic of seeing a vinyl spinning can be a WOW thing for both of you.

And if I made you even more nostalgic, then why not browse through a collection of vintage vinyls? This vinyl version of Frank Sinatra’s Come Fly With Me record transports listeners to a golden era when grace was valued above all else and life was much easier and prettier than now.

Get it for $33.99 on For a change of pace, let’s put Spotify and YouTube aside and rediscover the classics on vinyl, the way they were created to be enjoyed.

boomers will miss
Photo by kasarp studio from Shutterstock

Soda fountains

Another vintage thing only boomers will miss is the soda fountains from the restaurants. They were cool, and everyone was excited to fill their glass with the soda of their choice. Imagine this: checkered floors, swivel chairs, and bright lighting throughout the restaurant all contributed to the happy ambiance. The cuisine was rather basic, consisting mostly of burgers, ice cream floats, and crispy fries.

The joy of soda fountains was in the memories made over laughter, sharing a booth with friends, and sipping milkshakes or large glasses of Coca-Cola. Oh, the lovely nostalgia of baby boomers.

Writing love letters

To be honest, this is something not only boomers will miss but also millennials. Before the constant annoying buzz buzz of smartphones and push notifications, people used to buy nice pens to write letters to their lovers, their friends, or their family. And finding the perfect stationary set was quite a hard task!

Everything from choosing the right words that express your feelings and emotions to the trip to the nearest postbox was magical, and it is something no other generation will experience. Now, if it’s not too personal, may I ask who you sent the first letter to? Let me know in the comments section if you want to.

The ice cream man

Not posting pictures of your Bali vacation on social media to brag about, but rather getting thrilled about the ice cream truck was the highlight of summer back in the day. Little ones would race down the street, holding their change tightly in anticipation of being served in their favorite flavor.

The ice cream vendor was the one who could make us smile, and it was the purest happiness we could remember from our early years.

Slower living

Things happened at a different, more leisurely pace in the days before the internet. Our days weren’t spent obsessively going through our social media profiles or trying to cross items off a long to-do list. After work, there was still time for a peaceful afternoon spent either observing clouds, sipping a drink of choice, or preparing a mouthwatering meal for you and your family.

People knew how to build strong connections, and most importantly, they were made face-to-face.
The truth is that people weren’t only neighbors; there were large communities, and in case of something, you knew somebody, if not all of them, had your back. It was way easier to find joy in simple things!

How do you feel about these things? What are you missing the most, and what memories from the past fill your heart with nostalgia?

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