6 Online Courses Seniors Will Love That Won’t Cost Them Anything

Have You Considered Taking An Online Course?

The World of learning doesn’t stop at a specific age. As we grow older, keeping a sharp mind is essential to perceiving life and learning new things about various subjects.

Many colleges offer college admission for all ages, including various free online college courses for senior citizens. The rate of older adults going to college has continuously increased over time.

Some seniors might want to learn a new skill and become more knowledgeable about a specific field. Others may wish to advance their current careers. However, some seniors may want something to do outside of being “empty nesters.”

Whatever their reasoning, online courses will provide them with the opportunity to learn new topics, build strong social connections, and have worthwhile experiences as they enter retirement. Free online classes expand your horizons and teach new skills.

Taking an education class is a great way to succeed while boosting your self-esteem. Check out our picks for the six best free online adult education courses.

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Photo by Gorodenkoff from Shutterstock

Online Course for Practical Life and Business Skills

Learnthat.com will offer you free online tutorials that are specifically for adults. You can choose from four categories: lifestyle, business, personal finance, and technology.

With a range of video and text-driven courses, this website teaches practical life and business skills to help you better achieve your goals. The tutorials are generally brief compared to some of the other online course offerings, but they’re a great place to start.

For instance, business owners can learn how to do performance reviews or explore the advantages of incorporating. You’ll find an excellent foundation for the website and social media marketing tactics on the tech side of the site.

Furthermore, if you’re just getting started with managing your money, LearnThat’s personal finance courses are a great place to begin.

Pro Tip: If you’re looking for some guidance on how to better manage your finances in retirement, you might want to check this out!

Online Course For Politics

Coursera.org offers a course on Moral Foundations of Politics and explores the different political theories of the Enlightenment from the past, including Marxism, Utilitarianism, and the social contract tradition.

The course examines modern society and what brought us to the present. Topics of contemporary and classical formations will also be discussed, including the nature of democratic politics and how they’re justified.

Debates on political issues of today, like economic inequality, affirmative action, and health care distribution, will all be subjects of discussion.

Talks on the limits of state power concerning the principles of speech and religion and the emerging hazards of global environmental decay will be the last topic mentioned in this eight-week course by Yale University.

The course takes place online and comes with a certificate of completion. The course takes about 45 hours to complete and is available in English, Romanian, and Spanish.

It’s taught by Ian Shapiro, the author who has written several influential books on democracy, justice, and the methods of social inquiry.

Online Course For Learning A New Language

Have you considered learning a new language now that you have the time? It may come in handy if you decide to go on an adventure in a different country! Duolingo.com is an intuitive yet simple and user-friendly way to learn a new language.

Its gamified instruction methods will have you earning points for the correct answers, racing against the clock as you complete assignments, and keeping you motivated with rewards.

The site boasts that there’s proof of their methods working, with 34 hours of instruction equivalent to one semester of a college language course. The best part is that Duolingo is free to use through its website, and iOS, or Android mobile apps.

The online downside is that you have to upgrade to Duolingo Plus if you want to remove the ads.

Online Course For Forensic Accounting and Fraud Examination

This next online course, Forensic Accounting, and Fraud Examination, might come in handy for many senior citizens. No one wants to become a victim of fraud.

But many retirees today are affected by this horrific crime, which preys on the elderly, including established businesses.

In this online course, which West Virginia University sponsors, students will learn more about who commits crimes like these, why they do so, and how to prevent fraud actions from happening against all victims, especially the older generation.

Scholars will also develop skills in learning how to catch these perps and stop them from continuing the vicious fraud cycle. The course discusses fraud detection, Fraud Investigation, Internal Control, and Forensic Accounting.

The program is 100% online and only takes five weeks to finish. Be aware that a time commitment of seven hours per day is recommended. This online course provides flexible class scheduling and deadlines to help seniors succeed in the program.

Online Course For Content Marketing Strategies

In today’s world, getting your brand or name out to the public is one of the primary keys to success, whether you are a blogger or any kind of business owner.

The Strategy of the content marketing course provides students with information on how to acquire and maintain profitability from consumers.

This can help seniors understand how marketing works and learn to develop, organize, and implement strategies through content marketing.

The online course has partnered with the University of California in Davis to present this class to retirees and all students wanting to explore new ideas of content marketing and learn to build their profile brand.

In addition to content marketing, the scholar will learn management, copywriting, and writing skills. The intermediate-level course is available online and provides roughly 21 hours of coursework over a five-week period.

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Photo by Nelson Antoine from Shutterstock

Online Course On Climate Change And Transitioning To Sustainability

Climate Change has been a primary point of interest for many scientists over the past fifty-plus years. There’s some controversy over the existence of climate change itself.

However, despite the ongoing political tension, there is evidence that our world is too dependent on certain types of gases, which results in high levels of nitrogen pollutants rising into the air that humans and animals breathe each day.

This online course will talk about how human societies must take action to end their fossil fuel dependency and alter our development and decision-making protocols. Hence, our communities become environmentally adaptable and sustainable for future generations.

This course will help people of all ages appreciate our world and work to make a better tomorrow. Once the class is complete, students will be able to understand the four dimensions of Globalization regarding climate change.

They’ll distinguish between the three approaches to achieving sustainability. They’ll also know the difference between “government” and “governance,” identify what makes ecological citizenship distinctive, and comprehend how the medium of the web can aid transitions to sustainability.

The complete course is free and provides five hours of study time. Students can start this course without needing to sign up.

If you want to know more about the possible effects of climate change, the following book might help you: The Uninhabitable Earth: A Story of the Future

Be sure to let us know in the comments if you’ve tried any of these online courses and how they worked out for you.

If you enjoyed reading this article and want to discover more about retired life, stay with us. Have you ever thought about relocating after you retire, but you were always afraid of this idea? Read the following article and get the best reasons to do it right now: Moving for Retirement: 9 Amazing Reasons Why You Should Do It

2 Responses

  1. Apparently, there are no links in the article for the courses mentioned. Why not? Please provide the links for these courses, to get additional info to be able to sign up for these courses.

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