How Much Could Increase Benefits the Social Security Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA)?
Everything is going to change and we are just days apart from finding out how much the Social Security benefit will increase with the 2025 COLA.
The highest amount received by Social Security beneficiaries is $4,873 per month, and it will increase starting from January 2025. That means now they are receiving more than $58,000 per year, and just like everyone else, will receive a higher percentage of their current checks. So, even though they have the largest checks, they will still be able to notice a significant difference in 2025.
The 2025 COLA is probably going to be around 2.5%
According to The Seniors Citizens League (TSCL), the 2.5% would add $122 per month to the beneficiaries’ checks. That is another $1,464 per year.
In order to claim the biggest Social Security benefits, you need to delay your Social Security claim until 70 and also earn the maximum income subject to Social Security taxes for at least 35 years. It’s not that easy! It can be done just by those who can cover their living costs no matter where the COLA comes in.
Considering the formula that changes yearly, these people might not be the top Social Security earners for long. However, everyone will find out how much they’ll get when the Social Security Administration announces the 2025 maximum benefit. The information should be shared around the COLA announcement.
4 Responses
Thank you for your information it was beneficial
Trump will fix it.
Every time Democrats are in office, the 3 months where the COLA is decided, suddenly prices come down ( lowering the COLA ) even the 2022 – 2023 8.9 % was lower than the Inflation before and after August to October ( before the 3 months its decided inflation was hitting 12 % and more. )under Obama in 2013 and 2014 there was 0 COLA, as Obama announced ” it will cost you nomore to live in the country this year, as it did last year ” 2 weeks later Gas was almost $4.00 a gal
Who wants to vote for Kamala since she has stated she will take money from Social Security to give to illegal aliens for health insurance and income.