9 Signs You’re Going to Be a Fantastic Grandparent

Waiting for a grandkid? These are the signs you’re going to be a fantastic grandparent! 

Anyone fortunate enough to have grandchildren can call themselves awesome because there is a special kind of magic in being a grandparent. It’s an exciting new life chapter that can be filled with joy, knowledge, patience (a lot of patience), and some extra cookies for the youngsters that parents don’t need to know about.

So what is it to learn about how to be a good grandparent? Well, I will say it outright simple: there is no magical potion that you can drink and become the best grandma or grandpa for your little ones. You may already have what it takes if you are drawn to caring, telling stories, and spoiling (just a little!).

Continue reading to see all the signs that indicate you’re going to be a fantastic grandparent and the entire family will call themselves lucky to have you by their side.

fantastic grandparent
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You have infinite patience

Patience is said to be a virtue, particularly when it comes to being a grandparent. I didn’t fully comprehend this until I became a grandmother myself, and I remember once seeing my grandkid in the kitchen with me, discovering how fun it is to bake cookies. But you can imagine how fun it was seeing flour spread all over the floor, cracked eggs that ended up on the table and not in the bowl as desired, in one word, a total mess.

But instead of getting mad myself, I realized something: I am lucky to have a grandson, and I am being honest with you because I never reached this level of patience before in my life, letting him do this mess and showing him how to bake his favorite cookies without yelling and being upset that I have to clean the entire kitchen afterward. It’s something that you can develop only after becoming a grandparent.

So if you recognize yourself in these lines and you are managing stress calmly and patiently, you can bet that you’re going to be a fantastic grandparent! This will help you create a healthy and positive environment to grow your grandchildren in!

You’re a good listener

A great grandparent’s ability to listen is one of their most important, yet ignored, qualities. And having this quality is very helpful, particularly when helping your adult children to raise their own.

Kids can talk a lot, ask a lot of questions, and be curious to know everything that’s going on around them, so it can make all the difference if you can slow down, listen to them intently, and give them your full attention. Doing this will improve your relationship with them, give them a voice, and make them feel appreciated.

You are certain to become a fantastic grandparent if you are aware that you favor listening to other people over speaking and that you value their opinions.

You have a big warm heart

Are you still asking yourself how to be a good grandparent? Dig deeper into your soul and see how much love you can find. I am sure it’s a lot! To be the best grandparents we can be, we must be loving, understanding, and compassionate—even when our grandchildren aren’t exactly easy to deal with.

Building bridges to our grandchildren’s hearts and understanding their perspectives should be our priorities.

You don’t take things personally

I cannot be more honest than this: As a grandparent, you will be offended by the things that your grandchild says and does. Our children and grandchildren can harm us in ways that others cannot.

However, as grandparents, we must learn not to take personal offense at everything our grandchildren say or do. You can blame it on hormones, maturing, personal issues, or adolescent anxiety and move forward.

You love laughing (a lot)

Not every single day in retirement is fun and games; sometimes you don’t know if your money will last. One month the electricity bill is skyrocketing, and the next you have to pay for an unexpected broken pipe. But guess what?

As a grandparent, it is essential to learn how to laugh, tell jokes, and enjoy spending time with your grandkids, even though you don’t feel like it. Honestly, it is easy to fix a broken pipe, but it is difficult to fix the emotional harm caused by a tense or uncomfortable home.

Believe it or not, you have the power to either attract or push away your grandchildren by the vibe you create in your home. Regardless of the situation, make your house a place where people can laugh, find joy, and have fun. By using humor to avoid some of the frustrations, disappointments, and pains of raising children, you will quickly win your grandchild’s heart.

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You’re empathetic

Do you possess the capacity to empathize with and understand the emotions of other people? Then you’re going to be a fantastic grandparent! Going through a second phase of kind of parenting, besides being patient and other things mentioned above, you must also be empathetic towards your grandchildren.

It might not seem like a big deal, but this helps you connect with them on a deeper level because you will be able to see things from their point of view. Remember that this always comes from the heart, and it can’t be faked.

Furthermore, understanding your grandchildren and their emotions can also help you talk differently to your adult children when it comes to advice regarding parenting.

You love telling stories

What really sets a grandparent apart is their ability to tell stories. It teaches and teaches values to grandchildren in addition to providing a source of entertainment It helps kids understand their roots by passing along knowledge and family history.

A grandparent who can tell their stories to their grandchildren helps them navigate the complexities of life and points them in the direction of virtue.

If you’re not a true blue storyteller, that doesn’t mean you cannot be a fantastic grandparent! With the right type of books, you can still make your junior laugh and enjoy the time spent together. Check out this amazing collection of stories by Disney, My First Bedtime Storybook, specially made for toddlers who won’t sleep before hearing their grandma or grandpa reading something cute and adventurous. Order your copy for only $6.15 right now!

You are capable of unconditional love

Among all the signs mentioned above, I believe this one is the purest to possess as a grandparent: the ability to love unconditionally. Grandparents are special because they can show their grandchildren love no matter what they do or how they behave.

This type of love fosters an environment where grandchildren feel free to express themselves, make mistakes, and grow healthy. Knowing that they have a safe space and constant affection from their grandparents to fall back on gives them the courage to explore.

…But you also teach them discipline and have boundaries

This may sound unusual, but a fantastic grandparent always knows when to say no to their youngsters and when to teach them life lessons to help them grow in a healthy environment.

Teaching discipline to your grandchildren doesn’t mean you are going to be extremely severe. As already mentioned, it means setting limits and educating kids about decency, accountability, and the repercussions of their behavior. Instead of spoiling them, it’s about helping them develop into well-rounded people.

If you are not yet a grandparent but you recognize the fine line between indulgence and discipline, you’re already heading in the right direction.

You may also want to read: 8 Amazing Destinations to Travel With Your Grandkids in the US.

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