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10 Longevity Secrets No One Tells You About

Longevity Secrets
Photo by Dragon Images at Shutterstock

You make every calorie count

Researchers in St. Louis reported that individuals who restricted their daily calories to 1,400 to 2,000 were younger at heart. In fact, their hearts performed like those of people 15 years younger. It’s not just about eating less with this longevity secret, though.

You also need to get the most nutrition per calorie, says an associate professor of medicine at Washington University School of Medicine. Study subjects stuck to whole grains, vegetables, fat-free milk, and lean meat, and they cut out soda, white bread, and candy.

If you get rid of all those empty calories and eat more nutrient-dense foods, your health will enhance. You should speak to your doctor to determine how many calories you should eat to maintain a healthy weight.

You include fish in your diet

Some individuals don’t like the taste of seafood. However, studies indicate that those who do consume fish tend to live longer lives thanks to all that Omega-3 fatty acid.

Research performed over the course of 16 years found that participants who had higher levels of fatty acids from fish in their system were at a 35% lower risk of heart disease thanks to less fat found in their blood. This is one longevity secret Retirement In USA can get behind!

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3 Responses

  1. So far so good for me. Most of my friends didn’t make it pass 50. My family have life span of 93-106. lived at their homes . Until THEY ask to go to a home to make friends I thought that was so funny. My 100 year old grandfather had girlfriends. I said OMG! LOL! Stranger yet he like weed and wine I could not stop laughing at him. He was so cool!

  2. You should add what I call “the happiness quotient” to the list. First of all, recognize that happiness is an inside job. This quotient should be maintained at as high a level as possible. An orchid blooming at the window, always keeping a book going, a junket with a friend every now and then for lunch, visiting (and donating to) thrift stores. Maybe you should get a small dog, or a cat!

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