9. Retirement planning can wait
This is by far one of the scariest myths out there! Because there is no time to waste and a proper retirement plan needs to be accomplished as soon as possible. Unfortunately, if you want to have a good retirement with no financial burdens and such, you need to save money.
If you wait too long, it might leave you with not enough funds for your plans, and that will be a big issue.
Do all these myths scare you? Are you ready for your golden years?
10. Retirement planning is all about money
Of course, money is important, but of all the myths mentioned above, this is the most hilarious. Why? Because not everything is about money. You need it to have a decent life, but it’s not the most important thing. You will also need peace of mind and time for yourself.
You will want to spend more time with your family or with your grandkids. Because memories are related to people, not objects.
And you will be disappointed if you wanted to do something, but couldn’t do it for various reasons.
Don’t forget to enjoy these years! Make some new friends, start a new hobby when time allows you to, read more books, but also be wise when you spend money.
Are you interested in this everything retirement? We have plenty of articles regarding this matter! Don’t forget to also check out: Boost Your Retirement Savings: 7 Things You Should Know.
4 Responses
I retired and my husband passed away three months later. He was self employed and did not believe in retirement planning. I am so happy that I did. Every point made in this article is true. I work two part time jobs and receive Social Security and retirement.
Everything in the article is true. I pray people aren’t so quick to stop working because they turned 65. You are going to need Social Security, pension and/ or another form of income depending on your financial situation. Remember, always take care of yourself.
Most of this does not apply to me e.g., I did retire when I wanted to, am living fine on my soc sec check (so, not working; thought I would work part-time), have plenty of time to myself (in spite of being grandma’s taxi service for 2 teens), etc.. I did wait until 72 to retire because I loved my job and was healthy enough to do so.
I’m one of those who were forced to retire to make way for the young. (Another myth… there’s no such thing as ageism.) Wanted 2 more years to pay off house and go out on my own terms. Oh well, that’s life!
Fortunately, we’re pretty good retirement-wise. SS, Pension & 401k & IRA. AND we will liquidate and move to smaller house down south.