6 Most Inexpensive Beach Houses for Seniors in America

beach house
Photo by THP-Creative from Envato Elements

Buy A Beach House In Deerfield Beach, Florida

Average Home List Price: $230,071

Since the pandemic started in our country, there’s been a rush by consumers from all over the US to get their hands on real estate in South Florida.

In Palm Beach, for instance, the average price of a condo skyrocketed 52% in the first quarter of last year compared with just one year earlier, to a median of $1.6 million, according to reports.

But Deerfield Beach, which is located halfway between Palm Beach and Miami, is a charming little location that offers some very affordable beach houses near the surf at just a fraction of the price. Retirees can find some of the most budget-friendly waterfront options.

Though the beach is undoubtedly the most significant draw to this waterfront town, which is why the houses closer to the Atlantic cost exceedingly more than the ones inland, there’s still lots to do in the area. Locals walk the boardwalk, fish the pier, hang out at various local bars, and dine at trendy new restaurants and old classics like beachside seafood spot the Whale’s Rib.

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11 Responses

  1. Interested in info on beach living on east coast. Do u have Sr committees in North or South Carolina area?

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