7 Social Security Shakeups You Need To Be Ready for This Year

social security shakeups
Photo by Jim Vallee from Shutterstock

1. Cost-of-Living Adjustment

Every year, the Social Security Administration adjusts the amount of Social Security paychecks in response to rising inflation. The change is called cost-of-living adjustment, or COLA, and it reached a record level of 8.7% in 2023.

For 2024, however, the COLA will only be 3.2% because inflation has fallen. With the increase, the average benefit payout will increase by $49, going up to $1,907 from 2023’s $1,858, the SSA said.

This is one of the most anticipated Social Security shakeups of 2024, and while the increase isn’t big, it’s better than nothing.

By the way, here’s a book from which you can learn the basics of Social Security.

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15 Responses

  1. Tell Biden stop the federal tax on our SSI benefits. It was HE who cast the tie breaker vote to tax SSI way back when. I have already paid taxes on SSI when i was working and Iam taxed AGAIN when i collect. WHY??????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Please STOP FEDERAL TAXES to Social Security.
      Mr Biden, we already pay taxes and now the retirement is more poor than before.
      Rectified what was wrong.

  2. Im a 100% disabled veteran service related conditions, that the VA deem me unemoyable due to those service related condition/ injuries.
    I applied for SSI exactly 270 days ago.
    Ive TDIU by the VA since 02/0723 ( total disabled insured unemployable) in clear and precise im forbidden to work due to injuries sustained while serving my country. How much will i be able to draw from SSI? Im 60 now

  3. They so called elected need tax the Rich not the poor to save Social Security . People living and working on social security should not be getting taxes for earning after 62 it’s foolish and irresponsible to abuse working seniors by taking advantage of there earned incomes!

  4. Inflation has NOT fallen! Groceries are as high or higher than ever! It is ridiculous! Water bills in our area is a big scam. They charge us twice the amount of the water charge, for what they call a pollution abatement, and no one can explain it to us! That is just one thing the seniors are facing, and we should not have to worry about this kind of thing, when we have worked hard all our lives! When the previous President took away our right to count the interest charged to us on our mortgage in our tax filing which hurt the working class terribly, but what did he care, a rich arrogant man from a rich family, why did he care? He didn’t! If social security had not been treated like everybody’s slush fund to dip into and had to pay interest on it the whole time we were paying into it, we would really be set for life, but no, they did not pay interest.

  5. Seniors Scammed, taxed while working, while receiving, punished and not protected 89 years! Grandparents and Parents in poverty until deaths, asking what is wrong with federal goverment?

  6. They need to stop taxing S/S benefits…its double taxation. We already paid taxes on the money.
    Also the Democrats took huge amount out of the fund with a promise to put it back,
    Lynden Johnson administration BUT NEVER DID!!!!! DO IT NOW !!! Other stuff can wait!!!!!
    Biden is draining everything to pay for all the garbage that is passed thru Congress enough
    already. Our seniors need what they are entitled before shipping it over seas to other countries
    who don’t give us a dime and many times trash us. Open borders comping all invaders getting
    priorities……..bad deal…It’s about time….America First…

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