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7 Social Security Shakeups You Need To Be Ready for This Year

downside Social Security spousal benefits
Photo by ANDREI ASKIRKA from Shutterstock

New year, new Social Security shakeups!

Social Security is one of the longest-running and most important governmental programs in the US. and it’s constantly changing and adapting to keep up with the new economic circumstances. In fact, the program changes so regularly that learning the basics about how it operates isn’t enough.

You also have to keep an eye on the annual updates so you don’t get caught off guard by Social Security shakeups you didn’t know about. These can affect everything from how your benefit will change on a year-to-year basis to how much payroll tax gets deducted from your paycheck, among other modifications.

This being said, we’ve made a list of the Social Security shakeups for 2024, as well as the positive changes. Check this out!

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One Response

  1. Tell Biden stop the federal tax on our SSI benefits. It was HE who cast the tie breaker vote to tax SSI way back when. I have already paid taxes on SSI when i was working and Iam taxed AGAIN when i collect. WHY??????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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