2. Raise the PIA
Do you know how to find out how much money you’ll receive in Social Security benefits? The Primary Insurance Amount (PIA) is very useful in this case. It shows you how much money you’ll receive based on the age you begin claiming benefits and your Average Indexed Monthly Earnings.
According to the Biden-Harris administration, the plan would be to raise the PIA for Americans ages 78 to 82 to help them deal with rising costs later, when they get older.
71 Responses
Yes I think Social Security is very important to the elderly . Without it we wouldn’t be able to surrive each month . With increases in the essentials, food ,medicines , gas, rent , electricity ,heat ,water , health insurance,and all the other insurances and taxes ,property taxes , automobile taxes every year , inspection on your automobile every year , I will tell you the GOLDEN YEARS are not golden , unless you are a very rich person to begin with . An average person that has worked all his / her life can not stretch that measly SS check enough to stay afloat of it all . And raising the age limit to retire is absolutely crazy . We paid that money in all these years for our retirement and if the government hadn’t use it for other purposes , the government wouldn’t be running out of money for the elderly now . They make it sound as though they a rewarding this to ,WE PAID EVERY CENT IN EVERY YEAR FOR SECURITY ………AND NOW YOU THE GOVERNMENT WANTS TO RAISE THE AGE LIMIT AGAIN TO RECEIVE THEIR BENEFITS BACK FROM IT . THIS WAY ALOT OS SENIORS WON’T SEE A DIME OF IT AS LOT OF THEM HAS ALREADY PASSED AWAY . SO THE GOVERMENT SHOULD HAVE EXTRA MONEY , NOT RUNNING OUT OF THE SENIOR MONEY ,THAT WE ALL WORKED HARD FOR . LEAVE OUR SOCIAL. SECURITY ALONE , STOP AGITATING AND WORRYING THE ELDERY EVERY TIME THEY HEAR ON THE NEWS ABOUT CUTS TO. SOCIAL SECURITY AND OR. MEDICARE …….OR AGE LIMIT GOING UP AGAIN . LOOK 👀 AT OBITUARIES , ALOT OF PEOPLE AREN’T LIVING TO BE AS OLD AS THEY USE TO . AND YET YOU WANT TO RAISE THE AGE. 65 IS A GOOD RETIREMENT AGE ,LIKE USE TO BE . THEN MAYBE YOU’D HAVE A FEW DECENT YEARS TO RELAX IN . ALOT OF PEOPLE DON’T EVEN MAK IT THAT FAR . SO THEN YOUR NOT PAYING OUT THOSE CHECKS . SO AS I SAID IF THE GOVERNMENT WOULD LEAVE THE MONEY THAT IS TAKEN OUT OF CITIZENS PAYCHECK EVERY WEEK ALONE AND IS ONLY USED FOR RETIREES …… AND NOT BORROW FROM IT AND THEN NOT PAY IT BACK LIKE THEY HAVE DONE . OUR RETIRED CITIZENS WOULDN’T KEEP HEARING : GOT TO RAISE THE AGE LIMIT ON S.S. AND CUT TO BACK ON IT . WOULD LOVE TO SEE HOW THE PEOPLE IN THE GOVERMENT WOULD SURVIVE ON WHAT WE RECEIVE FROM OUR S.S. (You’d probably become vegetarians awful fast ( meat $$ ) not to mention vegetables are pricey to . But not as bad as meat ……
GOD bless you Gladys I couldn’t have said it any better!!!!!
You’d be in big trouble if she’s elected, just like Cuba. If you want wealth, you want a president who will end wars, drill oil, it’s that simple. Harris Regime wants to borrow 5 Trillion for the weather. We’d be bankrupt. We practically are. And prices will keep rising making any money null.
First my friend,look up the stats.Biden signed twice as many DRILLING PERMITS in 2024,than TRUMP did in his 4 years in office.So (B.S.) to your drilling argument, Sir (Do your homework)before you open your trap.When it comes to War’s,it’s very easy to say ANYTHING you want about the state of the U.S. and the World,with all it’s War’s and then ignore,not report or not make comment’s,on the WAR’S going on around the world, when your in office,just so you then can claim you were the best ANTI-WAR President ever.I just really wish all the TRUMPSTERS that are truly embarrassed,ashamed and just plain fed up with THE DONALD,would admit it,but now there so deep in his crap,they would rather lie ,like he does and be a coward.
Recent claims suggesting that the Biden administration has granted 50 percent more oil and gas drilling permits on federal land compared to the Trump administration have been circulating in the media – and while that data is accurate, it’s a lot more complex. A closer look at the 2023 data reveals that many of the permits approved by the Biden administration were granted on land that was leased during the Trump administration. The Biden administration, on the other hand, has held the absolute minimum lease sales possible.
Viewed in that light, claims of mass permit approval from the Biden administration more accurately describe a time delay in processing the glut of permits pending before the Department of Interior.
Permitting slow among bureaucratic backlogs
Understanding the intricacies of federal land permitting is crucial to understanding permitting data. The multi-year, multi-step process for developing federal land can span several administrations and requires a multitude of different evaluations, approvals, and permitting steps before energy production can even begin.
Based on the federal onshore land development timeline below, it is evident that before entering the permitting phase, there is a comprehensive and lengthy process for pre-leasing and exploration stages. This process, which can take up to a decade to complete, includes in-depth environmental, seismic, and production analyses to ensure viability. Legal challenges from environmental activist groups at nearly every stage of the process can add additional years to the already lengthy process.
At the end of the 2020 fiscal year, right before President Biden took office, a total of 6,234 applications for permit to drill were pending approval. Recent media reports claim that in the last three years, the Biden administration has approved 9,522 permits to drill – which would make up the permit backlog, plus some.
Still, according to the latest BLM data, there are still 5,366 permits currently pending approval before the agency. In part due to the massive slowdown in leasing under the Biden administration, BLM had received a paltry 452 new permit applications year-to-date as of October 2023 – indicating the chilling effect that the bureaucratic slog can have on the industry.
Reminder: one of Biden’s first moves upon taking office was pausing lease sales, resulting in the number of leases for development on federal land slowing down significantly during the Biden administration compared to previous administrations. Delays in sales, ongoing appeals, and settlements with activist groups further contribute to the decline. New Mexico, North Dakota and Colorado have been among the states with lease sales postponed or canceled resulting in a significant economic impact. This impact has affected local and state revenues and budgeting, particularly for these states heavily reliant on oil and gas revenue. Meanwhile, the Biden administration also settled with activist groups and agreed to re-evaluate the National Environmental Policy Act reviews for nearly all of the leases issued under the Trump administration in Wyoming and a significant number across Utah, Colorado, New Mexico and Montana. As the Wyoming Tribune Eagle explains back in 2022 when the news broke:
“None of the leases have been vacated, but their future is uncertain. The Department of the Interior now has to reevaluate and retroactively justify more than two dozen lease sales. If it decides it can’t, or its reasoning doesn’t satisfy the court, the sales could be reversed and any existing permits revoked.”
This ongoing NEPA review has been used as rationale for the Bureau of Land Management failing to authorize Wyoming’s November 2020 leases from the state’s last sale under the Trump administration. For perspective, that’s a nearly $7 million sale that’s been in limbo for more than three years.
The Biden administration’s pace of oil and gas leasing isn’t just slow – it’s the slowest in half a century. A Wall Street Journal analysis of federal acres leased for oil and gas production over the past 50 years revealed that the Biden administration leased a historic low of 0.13 million acres during its first 19 months compared to the 4.4 million acres auctioned for lease during the first year and a half of the Trump presidency.
Source: Wall Street Journal
Similarly, the Biden administration has approved a record low number of new offshore oil wells, according to a recent data analysis by E&E News, in addition to including the lowest number of offshore wells in history in the much-delayed five year offshore leasing program. Despite limited acreage offered during onshore lease sales, industry interest and high-dollar bids persist, underscoring the importance of federal leases to U.S. energy production. Federal lands and waters are responsible for approximately 24 percent of total U.S. oil production.
While the decline in lease sales has not yet caused acute domestic supply issues, it will inevitably affect future production and supply, potentially exacerbating shortages and price surges. This trend not only threatens energy security but also blocks future revenue to federal, state, and local treasuries.
Bottom Line: While we welcome the progress the administration has made in tackling the federal permitting logjam, it’s only one part of the overall story of federal energy production. Mixed messages from the administration – like canceling lease sales one minute and touting approved permits to drill the next – create uncertainty within the energy industry, hindering long-term investments and exacerbating challenges for the United States and the world during a time of geopolitical uncertainty across many regions.
Totally agree with you Bill.
I agree to a certain EXTENT. if she stays the same ,fire the cops,let LOOTERS GO scott FREE, who knows for sure just HOW MANY ILLEGALS snuck across the border,how MANY were convicts?drug dealers// WHERE ARE THOSE FIGURES? some bring DRUGS (fentenal)?sic) she can’t keep her mind on what she SAYS,JUST GIGGLES! no back ground for politics,all she say’s is being tutored by the people in the back ROOM! so pro or CON? steve
How do feel about leaving Afghanistan was handled. ( that alone would keep me from voting Harris). How do u like the border opening. (Unbelievable- we forgot 9-11 already?). We must know who is coming in and out of country). How do u like the men and in women’s sports? your denial, my man. Radical radical radical right now it’s really crazy. I don’t understand it.
YOU need to look at the STATS before you open your trap, SIR! You can honestly tell the AMERICAN people that their economy is better now? How do you look at yourself in the mirror without laughing? People who are FORCED to pay SOCIAL SECURITY—with NO GUARANTY of ever seeing any part of that money when AND if they reach retirement age! Were you asked if you wanted to contribute to this slush fund of our government? OUR government has mishandled this fund to make it what it is! AND now we have to worry about HOW they managed our money! You sound like a FINANCIAL ADVISOR! I just hope you get to see some of the money you either contributed (or stole from) the AMERICAN PEOPLE!
Mr. Warren,
I am from the State of Corruption, yes Illinoid. I see and am living the Blue State blues..I can’t tell you how ashamed and embarrassed I am of my sinking home state. The democrats “tax and spend” motto, and being offended by everything and ashamed of nothing, especially stealing is egregious. For amount of taxation Illinois should have the best school, municipalities, and hospital in the country and that is certainly not the case. We have the second highest property taxes, second highest gas taxes, and regardless of the “media” claims; Chicago hit a 5 year high in violent crimes at 29,677 with 3,862 arrests-7.6%. Seriously! Why is the same technology and effort used against these individuals as was used against the 1/6 “offenders”. Living the Democratic dream.
Vote Trump if you want a dictatorship on our country
There are any number of his statements that lead to that conclusion but maybe the most egregious is his idea that he would use our military to spy on our citizens. He does not tell what punishments could be but his other statements show a violent status.
I know don’t that lunatic with the bad hair will do better than kamala. He is unhinged and petty.
That’s just it if you endorse Trump you are not only going to further destroy the environment but you will also be endorsing a Dictatorship. Read project 2025 to really get a grasp on what the current Republicans are going to do. I would suggest doing so before you go to the polls and elect Trump back into office. There is a reason many of his former administration as well as many Republican senators have endorsed Harris. We do not need 4 more years of that orange lunatic. In case you haven’t noticed the dude is losing his mind.
Check what the Historians have to say about Trump. Fact check him too. You will be far worse with an Authoritarian government which is what Trump means. He will fill his own pockets, he cares about no one but himself.
You sir,explained exactly what both parties have done to S.S. ,to start,they took the $ from S.S. and blew it on a bunch of nothing,then they didn’t put it back.So now the bill has come due and they don’t have enough $ in the account,so they need to put it back somehow.Well ,there way is to screw us,for there bad $ management.Raise the ret. age or lower the benefit,higher tax on the rich,just screws everyone,and its all just a bandaid for a bleeding artery.If they would leave everything as it is(Ret. age,benefit amounts,taxes on S.S.) and quit wasting all the tax $ they collect now,there would be plenty to go around.If you cant balance the check book,you shouldn’t be in charge of the $$$ !!!
I don’t think we should have to pay taxes on our Social Security. Matter fact once you hit that point if you own a home, you shouldn’t have to pay taxes on your property either.
True. I wish more would start to realize this. You never hear that their pay for life is going to have to stop or be reduced. Heath insurance also. All taxpayer paid.
GOOD almost ALL govt. workers will benefit after they RETIRE, FULL FUNDS, I BELIEVE they are PAID(by us)BEST BENEFITS too! they do not care about the voters!. POLITICS have NO BUSINESS in ABORTION matters! Then maybe, our WOMEN WOULD BE COVERED! ALL of the WORRIED people(RETIRED or DISABLED) we have to be helped a LOT more than a LOT of GIVEAWAY”S to PEOPLE that burn our FLAG. sorry but they AREN”T AMERICANS! JUST OUR jobs,welfare SHOULD GO TO our PEOPLE FIRST!
You are very right! The golden years are a nightmare for the elderly people!!!! We have worked so many years, we PAID FOR THE SS CHECK! IT IS NOT FOR FREE!!! GOVERNMENT DOES NOT GIVE US NOTHING FOR FREE!!! TO THE CONTRARY; IT TAKES AWAY OUR HOPE TO LIVE A DECENT END OF LIFE YEARS…😔
I think like Biden and others of the left there is no lie she won’t spin to achieve her goal . She is a product of her mentors Obama and Biden both who became rich off of this country and it’s hard working people . There is no financial program they won’t back and then figure a way to loot little by little to enrich themselves thinking it is their just due .
You are going to talk about LIES & LYING – – and then say it’s Karmala who is the liar – – REALLY? WOW WOW WOW!!!! What world are you living in? Every word that comes out of your conman cult leader’s mouth is a LIE – – the biggest one being what he can’t stop talking about – – the “stolen election”, that of course was NOT stolen! The hate & ignorance that spews from his mouth every hour on the hour is reason enough alone to run as far away as possible from this conman. He repeats his lies over & over & over again & people like you believe every single one of them. When HIS Project 2025 takes hold, which he denies, you will all be sorry as our country, our democracy, will be unrecognizable. To me this is the most important thing by far. I’d rather pay a bit more for chicken & eggs than put a dictator in power. You all should be ashamed of yourselves for what you are doing to the greatest democracy to ever be.
President Trump has repeatedly denounced Project 25, which is a series of plans concocted by the Heritage Foundation. Please do your research.
Also, the USA is NOT a democracy. The USA is a republic. Read the Constution.
If you want to see what Democrats do to this country just visit San Francisco, Chicago, NYC, San Antonio, San Diego.
Vote with knowledge, not emotions.
Exactly 💯
Well said…..they talk about name calling yet they are horrible….he’s a dictator, unfit, unhinged, Hitler and needs to be eliminated…just a few things they say. We had a good 4 yrs under Trump. None of that happened. We need someone strong to handle all the wars that are going on right now….
Kamala still hasn’t said how she’ll do anything…it’s always ambitions..dreams and aspirations
..what’s your plan?
She had like a 27% rating as VP in June…one of the lowest ratings for a VP and then there is a coup and suddenly she’s the second coming and brilliant….give me a break. TDS is real!!!
Thank You !!!
Well said.
That moment when someone says, “I can’t believe you would vote for Trump.”
I simply reply, “I’m not voting for Trump.”
I’m voting for the First Amendment and freedom of speech.
I’m voting for the Second Amendment and my right to defend my life and my family.
I’m voting for the next Supreme Court Justice(s) to protect the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
I’m voting for the continued growth of my retirement and reducing inflation.
I’m voting for a return of our troops from foreign countries and the end to America’s involvement in foreign conflicts.
I’m voting for the Electoral College and for the Republic in which we live.
I’m voting for the Police to be respected once again and to ensure Law & Order. I am tired of all the criminals having a revolving door and being put back in the street.
I’m voting for the continued appointment of Federal Judges who respect the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
I’m voting for keeping our jobs to remain in America and not be outsourced all over the world – to China, Mexico and other foreign countries. I want USA made.
I’m voting for secure borders and have legal immigration. I can’t believe we have actually have flown 380,000 illegal immigrants into our country.
I am voting for doing away with all of the freebies given to all of the illegals and not looking after the needs of the American citizens.
I’m voting for the Military & the Veterans who fought for this Country to give the American people their freedoms.
I’m voting for the unborn babies that have a right to live.
I’m voting for peace progress in the Middle East.
I’m voting to fight against human/child trafficking.
I’m voting for Freedom of Religion.
I’m voting for the right to speak my opinion and not be censored. I am voting for the return of teaching math, history, and science instead of indoctrination of our children and pronouns.
I’m not just voting for one person, I’m voting for the future of my Country.
I’m voting for my children and my grandchildren to ensure their freedoms and their future.
What are you voting for?
Your voting for everything the Democrats are trying to stop. You better do better research before it’s to late. My neighborhood in Florida has a problem that you better thing about. The homes that have a Harris flag seen to forgot to fly and American flag. Explain to me how Harris is unqualified to be Vice President but now she is the best to run for office. Give me a break
Ther are no breaks where your going John.
Thank You,Matt.
Thanks for posting Tom!
So true!–She is ludicrous and dangerous to run our country! SCARY!
I agree Tom. Thanks for sharing this.
Im not voting for someone who called for an insurrection!!! I’m not voting for a women hating bigot who couldn’t except defeat.!!
Nice speech Tom,I’m with you all the way,the only problem with your fantasy,is there’s no such candidate on the ballot and there has’nt been in over (45) year’s,but we can all lie to ourselves and maybe dream a little too.
Hopefully many people will read your comment as it is all true and God-breathed!
Thank you so much for posting it Tom!!!
Vote Trump please!
Couldn’t have said it better…you hit every important point.
I love someone else sees th truth …. Idk who runs the media..: those reading his post do some research….u will understand it’s this simple what he he posted. I’ve posted about look at the border. Look at how we pulled out of Afghanistan ….American people who died … the people who were left by this administration. Those 2 alone – should have been thrown out of the White House. They don’t love America.
KH Is too Radical and extreme.
She would be a disaster for America.
Absolutely Debra!—Scary huh!!—BTW—She’s a nut!
When history proves its self as it has in the past we’ll know the truth ….the election .
I still believe he won as do many.
As for the insurrection if you’d listen all the news not just one side, they just proved the other day in congress that was all a bunch of lies too. Pelosi didn’t do her job That day 4 things would not have gotten out of hand so don’t blame Trump for everything unless you know that he’s guilty. This man’s been on trial for things that he didn’t do from the very beginning and not one thing has he been proven guilty of beyond a reasonable doubt unless there was a crooked judge or a crooked lawyer involved. I say the same thing about her meaning Harris go check her out you might be shocked at the things you find out about Her She didn’t come from a Middle class family No Matter What She says. I don’t think most people even know what a middle class family is most of us have grown up in poverty.
With rising costs of EVERYTHING, it is hard to survive.You can’t find and apartment much less a house for $1000.00 + a month in our state.And if you do, you do not want to live there. No wonder we have so many homeless people.My check of only 1359.00 after insurance is taken out, does not leave anything for much more. See if all the cabinet people can survive on that.I dare them to,for 6 months with no help from their own money or credit or family members, live like we live for the amount we live own. Quit giving yourselves raises and deduct some of that to give back to SS. Most of the time you people are not worth the moneys you pay yourselves. GIVE BACK And I think all money over the $200,000 mark should be taxed just like everyone else below that amount and quit letting the less payed people shoulder the full burden of everyone.
Agree. They think they are middle class WRONG!
I do not trust Kamala Harris one iota! She has proven only that she is a fly-by-night, selfish, flip-flopping on her stand for what she says she believes, cackling person. Our nation will only continue to be a laughingstock to the world if she were to win the presidential election
Ellen you and Trump would get along just peachy you both hate women.
As Tom stated, that is why I’m voting for Trump. Kamala Harris did nothing as. VP with Biden but state how he was a great president with a great mental capacity. Absolutely lied to the country, but once she was put in by the chosen few to be the presidential candidate, without the democratic people electing her, everything has changed. If Trump was a democrat, I’d vote for him even though I’m a republican . I vote for the future of our nation.
I wouldn,t trust her as far as i can throw her
Me either Dave!!!
Please vote Trump people or else we are doomed!
Wow! A Democrat candidate for President getting an endorsement for fellow Democrat, Barack Obama. Come on. Is that all you’ve got. Harris-Walz = more illegal immigration, more taxes, more governmantal intervention, continued high prices. Look, we just got back from the grocery store. Everything is higher priced…everything! You can fool some of the people some of the time, but you can’t fool me.
Well said Chris! Couldn’t have said it better!
And if everyone just knew the truth about what they had to go through to give Barack Obama to come out and even endorsermuch less go on the campaign trail with her and now they’ve convinced him that he needs to go on the campaign trail with her along with michelle Michael whichever it is. I am so sick of all the lies.
If she wants to help SSI, maybe she should get Congress to start refunding the money Congress has taken out of SSI, to fund other projects! If Congress would start doing that instead of funding all these bogus projects it funds using SSI money, SSI would be in a better shape!
No taxes on social security
Good information
She has had almost 4 years to address this issue and try to get it fixed – now all of a sudden she is on board!!!!! Please – give me a break – she will say anything to get herself elected and then do her usual …. which is nothing!
Your article was very much tilted towards Harris. You make it sound like she wants to help those who worked hard all their lives & are now on Social Security -or soon will be. I don’t see that desire in action after they’ve been the ones running the show for the last 4yrs, especially when she’s for giving benefits to those immigrants who’ve entered our country illegally! I would love to have seen you give a balanced approach to what we’re likely to see with Social Security after the election if Trump wins (and, give us information what Trump did to aid seniors during his first term as President).
Thank you, Steve
THere are plenty of great black women who should be running for President. She is not one of them. She has not had to face the decisions she has made in San Francisco. That is a sad example of her affect on a city let alone a country.
NOOOO to Kamala, we need the economy of this country to get better, no worse. Since Biden was elected the inflation is going up and up, so no to Kamala.
Trump is a convicted criminal
Killed honorable citizens on January 6, 2021 and did nothing about it.
He needs to be wearing orange to match his hair….
If he would win – I’m moving out of the United States for good
Nuff said….
If that’s the best you have for Trump then lets have a ball with billions of dollars in loss of business and lives by the “strange” pair in office now! Gee you forgot about that, plus the millions of illegals in this country now killing people and taking over builds! Forgot about that! Or these little thugs hurting and robbing people in Times Square and the police can’t touch them because they are illegals and protected! Take a long walk off a very short dock because you dang sure missed the boat!
Well, if that’s the way you feel, then “GOOD BYE.” There were a lot of people that said the same thing in the 2016 election, and NONE OF THEM LEFT. I would’ve said GOOD RIDANCE to them too. He DID NOT kill anyone on Jan 6, and AOC admitted that he called her to get more protection and then she retracted her statement. They have her on tape admitting it, but they are keeping it hidden along with other evidence of the truth, but they are just keeping it all hidden and telling all the lies to try to keep Trump out of the White House. As a matter of fact, the Democrats are now going to, (if Trump wins the election) deny the vote count, and not allow him into the White House. There will be a Civil War if that happens, and those ARE NOT my words!!!
Trump killed No one Pelosi did forgot following Trumps suggestion. Get your story straight
What funny, that was said when he first won the presidentry, but no one left, quit talking out of your know where and leave, the country will do better with out you all who only take but never give back.
Yes, Trump has done some things wrongs, but who hasn’t? If you think Harris and Walz have not done wrong, think again. He is in bed with China, and she goes about smirking and grinning with devious eyes cast everywhere. She had years to demonstrate what she could have done, but didn’t. She let far more harden criminals off easy, rather than prosecute them to the fullness of the law. Remember what she did to San Franciso. She claims to have come from a middle class home and neighborhood, ahhhh, not so. Check out the facts folks, not just the PR, and as far her partner in crime, he too is not what he claims, he was not a head coach, but and assistant. He has a checked past also. Both giving themselves “airs: Better be like Popeye, what you see is what you get. Only recently,, where were they initially when the storms hit? On the PR trail,, even Trump helped before they did, not as a photo op either.
Harris not Biden have done anything, especially for me. Only the border people have been taken care of. Was a at better off with Trump in office. Kamala bombed on Fox last night!
You don’t have to hate women to hate Kamala Harris. First she gets the title of “THE WORST VICE PRESIDENT IN THE HISTORY OF OUR COUNTRY”, and now all of a sudden all of the Hollywood Elites are propping her up for “PRESIDENT”. Everyone wanted to get Biden AND HER out of the White House because TOGETHER they were ruining our country, and NOW the Elites think that she’s “the next best thing since sliced bread”. She didn’t run for the office, she was thrown in there. NO ONE voted her in, NO ONE!!! I don’t understand how that happens. I have never heard of an election where a candidate just gets put into a running position WITHOUT BEING VOTED IN. She can’t give a speech or an interview without a teleprompter or word salad, garbling, or cackling and avoiding the question all together. VOTE FOR HARRIS!!! I THINK NOT. I WOULD VOTE FOR MICKEY MOUSE BEFORE I WOULD VOTE FOR HER!!!!!
The dem traitors are giving away all ss money to ILLEGAL INVADERS. That money is for US citizens only, those who contributed to the ss fund… NOT for new dem ILLEGAL voters…. May God Never have mercy on those dems , assuming any of them have souls….They have all sold them to the devil for power and money…….
Harris can’t even decide on what race she is. Her race changes depending on her appearances and the people she is lying to vote for her. Let’s see how much she raises taxes on her millionaire husband if she gets elected.
Trump has said in his own words, that he plans to do away with social security, medicaid and other programs that he believes are a drain on the economy. He hasn’t suggested anything that would harm the very wealthy but only things that will severely disable the middle class and the poor. He knows about Project 2025 and will implement each and every proposal! Wake up!!!! Harris has actually served the public. Trump has only served himself. Stop listening to his lies and look at his actions…which should make you extremely afraid!
If Harris and Biden plan all “Great things” for social security IF she gets elected, then why are they not doing that now? It’s because these are EMPTY promises like all if her promises to AMERICAN CITIZENS!! BEWARE!! She will never do anything except destroy America!!
Again word salad I believe they have know for the past 4 years SS in trouble People are living longer better health more dependable let them go back to work stop taxing them double on the
their SS. Stop the pork in government. I never got as much vacation as Congress gets and the perks
The United States needs a good business person to run the country not a person who cackles at the drop of the hat.