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5 Social Security Changes if Kamala Harris Wins the Elections

Social Security
Image by Jason Raff from Shutterstock

Social Security: 100 Myths and 100 Facts

We recommend you a great book. It will help you understand better what is going on with Social Security. It can be found on Amazon, it’s called: “Social Security: 100 Myths and 100 Facts: Setting the Record Straight about America’s Most Popular and Most Misunderstood Government Program” and was written by Tom Margenau.

Tom Margenau has a vast experience as a Social Security Administration employee, and then as a syndicated columnist with Creators Syndicate. So, you should take into consideration his ideas about the myths and the facts that are publicly spread. Understanding some concepts, will also help you to understand which plans for the future are achievable and which are the lies sold by politicians.

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