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12 Expenses that Will Rapidly Drain Your Retirement Savings

Myth expenses
Photo by – Yuri A at Shutterstock

Long-term care

As we age, our chances of needing long-term care increase. This could also involve assisted living, nursing homes, or even in-home care. These types of costs could rapidly accumulate, slowly exhausting the larger part of your retirement savings, especially if you need preparation time.

A good piece of advice would be to purchase long-term care insurance while you’re still young and healthy to avoid unpleasant and unforeseen expenses. Start your research and try to compare different care options and their costs.

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2 Responses

  1. The worst cost is the ridiculous property taxes that the blue states have! NJ is the worst. That is a total waste of $$$!

  2. I will sell my house in a split second. Worst decision I ever made was buying a house. Even though I have a low interest rate, I am sick and tired of being nickel and dimed to death with fees by my mortgage company.

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