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12 Expenses that Will Rapidly Drain Your Retirement Savings

Retirement, Nest Egg
Image by Studio Romantic from Shutterstock

Retirement is a wonderful time that many of us look forward to. It’s our long-awaited chance to relax, travel, and indulge in everyday activities and hobbies without worrying about work. However, it can also be quite expensive because the budget we set from the start doesn’t magically grow overnight.

If anything, it empties, which is oftentimes, well, very concerning. One huge mistake many of us could make is underestimating our expenses. While some costs can decrease, others will increase, which might drain our savings even faster. Here’s a list of things that you should watch out for if you want your budget to be properly planned:

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2 Responses

  1. The worst cost is the ridiculous property taxes that the blue states have! NJ is the worst. That is a total waste of $$$!

  2. I will sell my house in a split second. Worst decision I ever made was buying a house. Even though I have a low interest rate, I am sick and tired of being nickel and dimed to death with fees by my mortgage company.

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