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12 Expenses that Will Rapidly Drain Your Retirement Savings

Myth expenses
Photo by fizkes at Shutterstock

The cost of healthcare

Probably one of the most difficult and significant expenses is related to healthcare. As we get older, our bodies require more medical attention and treatments, which can rapidly add up. Besides, Medicare doesn’t even cover all the needed medical costs, which might leave you with many out-of-pocket expenses.

However, planning and saving for possible healthcare costs in the future is mandatory if you don’t want to be shocked when you check your account. The best thing you can do is get a supplemental health insurance plan or even set up a health savings account (HSA) while working.

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2 Responses

  1. The worst cost is the ridiculous property taxes that the blue states have! NJ is the worst. That is a total waste of $$$!

  2. I will sell my house in a split second. Worst decision I ever made was buying a house. Even though I have a low interest rate, I am sick and tired of being nickel and dimed to death with fees by my mortgage company.

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