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13 Best West Coast Cities for Couples To Live on JUST a Social Security Check

social security mistakes
Photo by Dmytro Zinkevych from Shutterstock

7. Portland, Oregon

  • Average 1-bedroom rent (2022): $1,344

Caring for the environment is crucial nowadays. If you’re used to protecting and enhancing the natural environment by recycling, reducing waste, and not using plastic bags, there’s a good chance you may love seeing green spaces in the city you live in.

Well, Portland has more than 297 city parks, being one of the most eco-friendly cities in the whole country. Being environmentally conscious is a big deal there, that’s why grocery stores in Portland will never offer you plastic bags.

Now, let’s see if a retired couple who lives on only Social Security checks should relocate here.

Portland’s cost of living is 30.8% above the national average. It has a $1,344 average rent, making it one of only five places on the ranking where a one-bedroom apartment costs less than $1,400. However, its very high crime rate leads to a drab livability score of 65.

5 Responses

  1. I need help to lower my phone internet bill I have AT&T land line. my last bill was $134. my income is 526 dollers A month. do think I need help? plus water and electric.

  2. This must be a joke! It says couples! What happened if your spouse is deceased and you’re living on your own. There’s no way you can afford a one bedroom place and pay for all the rest of your bills, plus buy groceries and medical and that includes medication for the month on your social security alone. If you can I’m very happy that you are able to.

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