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13 Best West Coast Cities for Couples To Live on JUST a Social Security Check

social security check
Image By ESB Professional From Shutterstock

10. Spokane, Washington

  • Average 1-bedroom rent (2022): $947

With its many lakes and stable weather, Spokane makes a perfect option for folks who are looking for a stress-free life after retirement. Furthermore, its low cost of living may be a major quality for retired couples who live on just Social Security checks.

Having an impressive cost-of-living index of 92.3, Spokane turns out to be the cheapest city on this ranking to live in if you compare it with the national average. Although the city’s pitiful livability score of 67 leaves much to be desired, it has a $947 monthly rent which makes it the second least expensive city to rent an apartment.

11. Olympia, Washington

  • Average 1-bedroom rent (2022): $1,436

The capital city of Washington is a wonderful place because it’s basically in the middle of everything. Want the mountains? They are not far away to the north and east, while the ocean sits to the west. Many folks consider relocating from another West Coast city to Olympia mainly because it holds lower costs of living.

This might sound tempting to those retired couples who live on solely Social Security checks. Now let’s see some numbers.

Olympia’s cost-of-living index is 106.1, which places it towards the bottom of this list. Also, it has a livability score of 74 — the greatest of any city highlighted here — and a $1,436 average monthly rent.

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6 Responses

  1. I need help to lower my phone internet bill I have AT&T land line. my last bill was $134. my income is 526 dollers A month. do think I need help? plus water and electric.

  2. This must be a joke! It says couples! What happened if your spouse is deceased and you’re living on your own. There’s no way you can afford a one bedroom place and pay for all the rest of your bills, plus buy groceries and medical and that includes medication for the month on your social security alone. If you can I’m very happy that you are able to.

    1. Yes, I do exactly that. I pay all my bills at the beginning of the month. I am 70 years old and single. I live in a Senior Independant Living facility and have a Medicare Advantage Plan. Both of these facts contribute greatly to my caliber of living.

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