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13 Best West Coast Cities for Couples To Live on JUST a Social Security Check

Retirement Destinations Seniors Often Overlook
Photo by Mariia Boiko from Shutterstock

8. Fresno, California

  • Average 1-bedroom rent (2022): $1,025

If you and your spouse are looking for affordable rent in a West Coast city, here it is! Relocating to Fresno might be a good idea for retired couples who rely exclusively on Social Security checks.

Only two cities on this ranking are less pricey than Fresno, which has a forgiving cost-of-living index of 102.6. If you consider moving to Fresno, you’ll have to shell out $1,025 monthly for an average one-bedroom apartment. Cheaper rents are in just three other cities on this list. Sadly, high crime contributes to a livability score of 58.

…Keep reading to find other West Coast cities to live on just a Social Security check!

9. Bremerton, Washington

  • Average 1-bedroom rent (2022): $1,440

If you and your spouse would rather live your golden years in a less crowded city with more space than in a more densely populated city, then Bremerton might be a good idea! Especially when both of you only receive Social Security checks as retirement income.

Bremerton’s average livability score is 70 (compared with San Diego, for instance, which has a low livability score of 53). It’s definitely one of the most affordable places on this list, having an average rent of $1,440 for a one-bedroom apartment and a cost-of-living index of 108.9.

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6 Responses

  1. I need help to lower my phone internet bill I have AT&T land line. my last bill was $134. my income is 526 dollers A month. do think I need help? plus water and electric.

  2. This must be a joke! It says couples! What happened if your spouse is deceased and you’re living on your own. There’s no way you can afford a one bedroom place and pay for all the rest of your bills, plus buy groceries and medical and that includes medication for the month on your social security alone. If you can I’m very happy that you are able to.

    1. Yes, I do exactly that. I pay all my bills at the beginning of the month. I am 70 years old and single. I live in a Senior Independant Living facility and have a Medicare Advantage Plan. Both of these facts contribute greatly to my caliber of living.

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