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10 Longevity Secrets No One Tells You About

Longevity Secret
Photo by Ground Picture at Shutterstock

You feel younger than you are

Everyone says that age is just a number. And, of course, there’s some truth to that statement. As you get older, it matters more how old you feel than how old you are.

If you have a tendency to want to answer the question, “How old are you?” at a younger age than your real one, that’s a good sign that you’ll be sticking around for a long time.

A study at the University College London reports that senior citizens who wrote feeling younger than their age had a significantly lower mortality rate than the ones who felt their age or older.

You began menopause after age 52

Research shows the longevity secret that naturally experiencing menopause later in life can mean an increased life span.

One reason for this? Women who go through menopause later have a much lower risk of heart disease, according to a clinical professor of gynecology at Yale University’s School of Medicine.

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