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Top 8 Worst Cities For Retirement

retirement city
Photo by goksi at Shutterstock

What Are the Worst Cities to Live Out Your Retirement?

When it comes to the next best location where you can live your retirement years, the choice isn’t that easy. Truth be told, it depends on what you’re looking for. If you’re close to your family, you might want to pick a state that would allow you to visit them frequently.

If not, your decision might revolve around a place that’s further away—somewhere you could live your golden years in peace. Whatever it is, you must be honest with your wishes.

There are also many soon-to-be retirees who simply wouldn’t want to part ways with the place they’ve lived in for so long. After all, they’ve made so many happy memories there!

But for others, relocating for retirement means new opportunities and chances, and for their adventurous spirits, that might be a better fit. Some might look for a sunnier climate, and others are simply interested in the cost of living and the fast pace of a bigger city.

Whatever you decide for yourself, make sure you carefully consider your retirement finances. Plan around certain expenditures, such as the annual cost of living or what it would cost you to hire a home healthcare worker in case you and your spouse might need one at one point.

But if you’ve already decided on the next spot, I guess we can say you’ve got it all covered, don’t you? We still have a list of places that are generally bad for retirement, so we’d advise you to check this article and see if you spot the state you’re dreaming of here. If you do, you might want to reconsider! Here it goes:

Is your hometown among the worst cities to retire?

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2 Responses

  1. The only thing in this article thats true about Memphis is that it is a dangerous place. There are some outstanding hospitals in Memphis. Storms in Memphis are no worse than almost any southern city. Whoever wrote this article doesn’t like Memphis

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